View the 2 minute video on our NEW eLibrary 2.0
Supplemental Library to Support Program
$425 - Individual Bundle License
(K-3) eLibrary 1.0: Primary Numeracy
(K-3) eLibrary 2.0: Primary Numeracy
(3-5) Multiplication and Division eLibrary
(3-6) Fractions eLibrary
The K-5 bundle includes the K-3 Primary Numeracy eLibraries 1.0 and 2.0, along with the Multiplicative Thinking and Fractional Reasoning eLibraries. This comprehensive bundle provides teachers with everything they need for a sucessful intervention.
Please view the various free webinars for more informaton about all of the programs and libraries.
For individual school or district licensing information please see below or email us at:
Supplemental Library to Support Program
$350 - Individual Bundle License
(K-3) eLibrary 1.0: Primary Numeracy
(K-3) eLibrary 2.0 Primary Numeracy
The K-3 eLibrary bundle includes both the original eLibrary (now known as eLibrary 1.0) and the upgraded 2.0 version. These two libraries work together seamlessly. The 2.0 version offers introductory lessons, initial practice, and progress monitoring, while the 1.0 version provides supplemental lessons and extensive additional practice through the workbooks.
When combined, these libraries provide students with comprehensive and in-depth learning resources. We recomend anyone working with primary studnets should have this bundle.
Please view Primary Numeracy Intervention Webinar for more info.
For individual school or district licensing information please see below or email us at:
Supplemental Library to Support Program
$450 Individual License
(K-5) Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
(3-5) Multiplication and Division Word Problems
(2-5) Multistep Problems
(4-5) Fractions
The Word Problem Intervention Program is a comprehensive problem-solving intervention designed for students in grades K-5. The program covers addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, multi-step problems, and fractions. It provides everything a teacher needs for a successful word problem intervention.
Please view Word Problem Intervention Program Part 1 and Part 2 for more information.
For individual school or district licensing information please see below or email us at:
$75 Individual Subscription 1 year
(Not Available until April 1st. 2025)
Instant Intervention is a lesson subscription that provides teachers with one full year of access to hands-on lessons and materials across five key domains: counting, counting by tens, place value, addition and subtraction, and part-whole relationships. For more information click here.
For school or district level pricing for a subscription please see the order form below.
$75 - Individual Teacher Subscription 1 year
$300 - School Subscription 1 year
$250 - Per School- District Subscription 1 year
For individual school or district licensing information please see below or email us at:
Supplemental Library to Support Program
$205 Individual License
The Multiplicative Thinking eLibrary offers teachers a comprehensive set of resources to help students transition from additive thinkers to multiplicative thinkers. The scaffolded approach enables teachers to gradually develop the understanding of the inverse relationship between multiplication and division. The resources provide a step-by-step progression, starting with concrete models and gradually increasing in abstractness and difficulty as the lessons progress.
For more infomaiton please view the free Multiplicative Thinking Webinar Level 1 training.
For individual school or district licensing information please see below or email us at:
$205 Individual License
The Fractional Reasoning eLibrary focuses on developing students' understanding of rational numbers. It adopts a structured approach, presenting a sequence of lessons where each lesson builds upon the foundation laid in the previous ones. This systematic approach offers students multiple perspectives to think about fractions, ultimately enhancing their depth of knowledge in this area.
For more infomation please view the free Fractional Reasoning Webinar.
For individual school or district licensing information please see below or email us at:
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