From (2015-2018) Numeracy Consultants conducted a field study over the course of 4 years. The study tracked data from 55 students for a minimum of 16 weeks. Fourteen students participated in 2015, seventeen in 2016, eleven students in 2017, and thirteen students in 2018.
The goal of the study was to observe if there was a correlation between growth on the Primary Numeracy Assessment and Framework and growth on the research based adaptive growth assessment (NWEA MAP Assessment).
The age range of the participants was 6 years old (First Grade) to 9 years old (Third Grade). The demographic data by race was 27 Caucasian students, 14 Hispanic, 12 African American, 2 Other. The gender breakdown was 29 females and 26 male students.
A predefined set of criteria was established as the standard for qualification for the study. Each student enrolled in the study would undergo the NWEA MAP assessment. This assessment served a dual purpose: firstly, as a screening tool to identify at-risk students, and secondly, as a means to measure growth and track their data over time.
All students would undergo testing at the beginning of the school year (between August and September) and then receive intervention until December or January, at which point they would be tested again. To qualify for the intervention, students needed to either score below the 30th percentile on the NWEA MAP assessment or already be designated as at-risk through other state or federal criteria..
Every eligible student would be entitled to a minimum of 12 weeks of intervention, with sessions scheduled for at least 4 days per week, totaling no less than 90 minutes of instructional time per week. These interventions could either be conducted on a one-on-one basis or in small groups of five students or fewer.
Upon qualification, the teacher would administer the Primary Numeracy Assessment to the student and then map the results onto the Primary Numeracy Framework. Subsequently, teachers would utilize the data in conjunction with the Primary Numeracy Assessment Program to inform their instructional strategies, drawing upon the training they have received.
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